In today’s business landscape, having a custom mobile app for your business can be a game changer. Having an app can revolutionize the way you interact with customers, increase visibility and significantly expand your reach.
As fun as it is to use traditional marketing methods like billboards, mailers and TV spots, as a business owner it’s time you take advantage of what is already visible to so many people for hours a day: their screens.
More and more customers are using mobile apps to connect with their retailers. Harald J. Van Heerde, Isaac M. Dinner, and Scott A. Neslin wrote in their article for the International Journal of Research in Marketing: “We find that apps generate more incremental sales among distant customers compared to nearby customers, and more incremental sales among offline-only customers compared to online customers… Consistent with our segmentation results, we find that the users with the largest purchase increases… due to app usage are those who are remote and offline-only economic value of retailer apps their role as a segmentation strategy to increase customer engagement.”
This shift is especially important for small businesses competing in saturated markets. Creating a mobile app not only levels the playing field, but also provides businesses with an intuitive, easy-to-use platform that can attract and retain customers more effectively than traditional marketing methods.
Here are just a few ways a custom app from Utah-based AppsTango can revolutionize your business.
App revenue continues to grow
The impact of mobile apps on businesses cannot be overstated. According to Statista, there were more than 257 billion app downloads in 2023. In 2020, that number reached 218 billion downloads, and this is only expected to increase. In 2023 alone, Statista reports that apps generated more than $171 billion in revenue.
With such impressive numbers, it’s clear that mobile apps offer significant benefits and growth opportunities for businesses of all sizes, across all industries. Whether you’re a startup or a large company, an app can be a crucial – and essential – part of marketing and raising money.
Stay ahead of your customers – literally
Mobile apps also allow you to have more face time with your customers every day. Once a user downloads your app, your logo and brand will become a permanent fixture on their phone’s home screen – probably forever. It’s passive exposure, kind of like a billboard or business card, but even better because they see it all the time.
Additionally, apps provide real-time and consistent engagement through notifications, promotions, offers, and messages, making it easier to increase engagement and increase revenue.
Kristen Fischer of reports that most people spend about six hours a day looking at a screen, with several of those hours spent on their personal smartphone. Take advantage of all those phone checks by having your app from AppsTango on their home screen.
Convenience and accessibility that lead to sales
One of the main benefits of having an app for your business is the convenience it provides, both for your business and your customers. Apps are perfect for creating a positive customer experience and providing quick and easy access to and information about services and products – and then converting that interaction into a sale.
Writing for the journal Marketing Science, Venkatesh Shankar and Unnati Narang found that “…app adopters shop 33% more often, buy 34% more items and spend 37% more than non-adopters in the period after app introduction. Simultaneous returns they spend 35% more often, 35% more items and 41% more in dollar value. Additionally, app adopters spend both online and offline after app launch.”
Do you have an app idea? We can build it!
The app business continues to grow and AppsTango is here to help you ride the wave. The research and data support this: companies that embrace apps will have a huge competitive advantage in the marketplace. By having AppsTango develop an app for you, you are guaranteed to benefit from new revenue streams, increased customer loyalty and brand awareness.
AppsTango has helped small and large businesses in Utah and across the country build custom mobile apps.
“AppsTango is very responsive, flexible and delivers on time,” said one customer.
“Working with AppsTango offers the added benefit of human involvement in building valuable applications. It’s great to work with smart people who adapt quickly and deliver high-quality applications, especially when our requirements are complex,” says Amber Alert GPS , another AppsTango customer.
If you’re ready to grow your business, creating a top-notch app is your best bet. AppsTango is ready to bring your app dreams to life with professional, affordable development tailored to the needs of your business, no matter how unique they are.
If you’re ready to boost your business and see the results for yourself, contact AppsTango today and let them bring your vision to life.